Our Eau Claire, WI, Dentist Answers – How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?
To keep your smile happy and healthy, our Eau Claire, WI, dentist says a proper oral hygiene routine is essential. Brushing and flossing twice a day is standard, plus using mouthwash goes a step further in removing harmful bacteria that can accumulate on your teeth, causing plaque and tartar buildup. There are times, however, that you can follow these simple rules and still end up with dirty teeth. When this happens, your toothbrush may be to blame.
Keep Your Smile Happy & Healthy – Advice from Our Expert
When it comes to a clean mouth, your toothbrush holds the key. If you’ve been following an oral hygiene regimen and aren’t getting that squeaky-clean-teeth feeling, then we recommend replacing your toothbrush. With the suggested brushing standards of twice each day, experts advise replacing your toothbrush every three months to ensure it’s always helping you achieve your best smile. There are a couple of reasons why experts urge patients to follow this guideline.
#1 – Wear & Tear
If you brush your teeth twice every day, as recommended, then your toothbrush takes on serious wear and tear over time. The bristles become frayed, making it hard for them to clean between your teeth where harmful bacteria growth occurs. If not removed daily, the bacteria will form plaque, which leads to tartar buildup. The buildup of plaque and tartar can lead to enamel wear, tooth decay, and gum disease. Replacing your toothbrush every three months will ensure a deeper clean and a happier smile.
#2 – Germs
Since your mouth is always producing bacteria, each time you brush your teeth, you’re removing the germs that form in your mouth naturally and from the foods you eat. This means your toothbrush is continually exposed to these germs, plus other bacteria it picks up from the environment in which it’s stored. For example, if you keep your toothbrush close to your bathroom sink, it will pick up germs from the sink, toilet, and everything that typically happens in a bathroom. Although your body can usually fight these bacteria, replacing your toothbrush every three months will help keep your exposure down, and your oral health in check.
Contact Our Eau Claire, WI, Dentist for More Toothbrush Tips
Want more oral health care tips? Check out our website and follow our blog to learn more about a variety of dental-related topics. If you or your child are experiencing tooth pain, plaque buildup, or any number of other dental issues, then contact our office for a consultation. We’re always ready to help you achieve your best smile!
The information provided in this article is not meant to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. If you would like to learn more about this and other dentistry-related topics, feel free to contact Hebert Dental by clicking here or by calling 715-835-0606.
As one of the premier dental practices in Eau Claire, WI, our dentists and team at Hebert Dental also provide 5-star dental care to patients from Altoona, Chippewa Falls, Osseo, Fall Creek, Eleva, Thorp & Bloomer, WI & the surrounding areas.